Idle Awhile, the hotel that we usually hang at on the beach in Negril, has opened up a sister property on the cliffs just up the road from
Rockhouse called
Hide Awhile Villas. I don't have a lot of info on the property. From their website I have learned there are 3 villas (that look great from the pictures), each with two full bathrooms, one king-sized bed, one full-sized bed, two verandahs, a private outdoor shower, a kitchen and a washer and dryer. There is a "tanning deck" sitting on the cliff with access to the water. Not sure what the food situation is there, although I did hear on our last trip from one of the Idle regulars that the Ital chef that used to cook down at the beach location is now cooking up there. I haven't read any reviews yet, but will update this if I do. This place definitely looks like an alternative to considered if Rockhouse is fully booked (it seems to be getting harder and harder to get in there). You can always just sleep at Hide Awhile and hang at the pool /eat at Rockhouse since it's so close by. Rates are $330 until March 31, $228 from April 1 - December 14th.

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