Yesterday Mark & I went to see the matinee of Xanadu. We went with an open mind since we had a feeling this one could go either way. Sadly, it went the wrong way. To me, this was nothing more than a suped-up high school musical. The sets and jokes, which were supposed to come of as camp, just came off as plain cheesy to me. The fact that the crowd was hooting and hollering at every line that was uttered didn't help. Go back to the suburbs, people! (Ok, maybe that's a little harsh. What did I expect seeing a matinee of an almost-jukebox musical). I have to say, on a positive note, all of the actors were really good at making the best of the material they were given. And it was kind of fun to hear those songs. Jackie Hoffman definitely stole the show in the role of Caliope. So, unless you are a die-hard Xanadu fan and "experience" the movie in whatever way possible (you can even get seats that are right ON the stage if you're THAT excited!), then this one is best avoided. Thankfully our tickets were free (I can't even fathom that people are paying $111.25)!
I concur!
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