IFC Is The New Waverly

If you haven't already tried tried the new IFC Film Center (formerly the famous Waverly Theater) in the heart of the Village on 6th Ave. @ W. 3rd, now is the time to do so! Currently showing is TransAmerica, the film that won Felicity Huffman the Golden Globe for best actress in a drama last night. A perfect movie for your first visit, this movie is fantastic and I'm totally routing for Felicity for the Oscar - she is AMAZING in it! The IFC has 3 state-of-the-art theaters (a 220-seater on the ground floor and 2 smaller ones upstairs) . Unlike the DREADFUL Angelika theater - there is no disturbance from the subway underground due to soundproofing panels. Seating is partially stadium and the seats are VERY comfortable and cushy with arm separaters that lift up to make a cozy love seat. Stop by the restaurant next door for for happy hour priced drinks and 15% off the bill with your movie stub! The bonus feature - the theater shows no commercials before the movie!
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